Saturday, August 19, 2023

How Will You Be Remembered?

 “I tell you the truth, wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.”

Matthew 26:13 (NIV)



      The second I heard the question the man on the phone asked me late one evening, I was caught completely by surprise: “Is LeRoy there?” he asked. “What? What did you say?” I repeated haltingly. The caller must have thought I didn’t hear because he repeated his question more slowly and loudly: “I said is . . . Le . . . Roy . . . there?” My husband had passed away 5 years earlier and, except for the occasional junk mail addressed to him, the references had ceased.


     After the man explained that he had bought hunting dogs from my husband in the past, I took a deep breath and told him that LeRoy had passed away. He quickly gave his condolences and hung up but his question remained with me: “Is LeRoy there?” 


     Yes. Yes, he is. He is here. He is here in the mannerisms and quiet strength of his son. He is here in the hazel eyes of his oldest daughter. He is here in the smile of his younger daughter. He lives on in the giggles of grandchildren who were babies when he passed away and do not have clear memories of him but still beg again and again “Tell me how Papa LeRoy lifted me up in the air!” to “Papa LeRoy loved coon hunting, didn’t he. What was his dog’s name?” to “How come Papa had a mustache?”


     He will live on because we choose to share memories of a man who was crazy mad in love with his children and grandchildren and his wife and who considered every day a gift and a blessing. Those are precious memories, yes. But, more than anything else, his memory will live on and he will not be forgotten because he shared the Lord he loved with fellow coon hunters, with co-workers, and with his family.


    In Matthew 26:13 we read of a woman who, according to Jesus, would never be forgotten. She did something that the disciples thought was ridiculous. This woman, named Mary, brought an alabaster jar of expensive perfume to the home where Jesus and the disciples were and began to pour it on Jesus’ feet and wipe them with her hair.


    While the disciples considered it to be an expensive waste, Jesus replied that she would be remembered for this act of love because what she had done would be told over and over throughout the world. She had given everything she had of earthly value to her Lord by showing where her treasure belonged.

    I just need to ask you this. What legacy are you leaving behind? How will you be remembered? “He was a great athlete” or “She loved to garden” or “He was a successful businessman” are all nice accomplishments and compliments. But more than anything, we want to be remembered as a Christ-follower who shared Jesus with everyone around us. That is the memory that is most important. 


   So, is LeRoy here? Yes. Yes, he is . . . for years to come.   


  Father, I want to be remembered as one who loved you more than anything on this earth and  shared your gift of eternity every day.  In Jesus’ Name. Amen.  

R.A.P. it up . . .



  • What memories of your life will be left for those who knew you?

  • What do you want people to remember about you years from now?



  • Journal a mini-version of your conversations for one week. How many times did you mention Jesus and what He has done for you?

  • Ask the Lord to give you boldness to share Him with those you meet every day.



  • Matthew 26:13 (NIV) “I tell you the truth, wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.”

  • Philippians 1:3 (NIV) “I thank my God every time I remember you.”

  • Romans 1:8 (NIV) “First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world.”




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