Saturday, July 20, 2024

Who Ya Gonna Call?


"So David inquired of God again, and God answered him, 'Do not go straight up, but circle around them and attack them in front of the balsam trees.'"

I Chronicles 14:14 (NIV)

   For a long time, my instant reaction to any situation needing an important decision was the same: I would see the dilemma and I would immediately call on the Lord . . .  well, not exactly. I would get the news and I would immediately call my girlfriend. Why? Because she was a Godly woman with a lot of common sense and wisdom. She would always listen to me as I talked through the situation and then share what she thought or what I needed to consider before making my decision.

    Of course, I would toss up a token prayer (“Please give me wisdom, Lord.”) but I would usually go by what she said. And a lot of the time she would agree with me. One day the unthinkable happened: a big situation occurred that needed an immediate answer but when I called my girlfriend, she wasn’t home. I called again . . . and again . . . and again. No answer.

   And then I did what I should have been doing all along. I called on the Lord with my problem. Very quietly, very lovingly, He spoke to my heart: “Where have you been? Do you not know I will always listen and answer when you come before me? Bring all your concerns, no matter how big or small, each and every day, to me. I will take care of you, my child.”  I had no excuse or answer. I knew He was right.

   Look at David in I Chronicles 14:14. David went before God because the Philistines were attacking and he needed to know what to do. God gave him his answer and David and his armies were victorious. When the Philistines attacked again, David could have consulted his generals and gotten their opinion since they had already fought and won the previous battle. Or he could have said “Been there, done that.” and taken it upon himself to attack just like the first battle.

    Instead, he “inquired of God again” and God gave David a different solution and battle plan,  resulting in another victory. What an important lesson for me to learn! Yes, seeking Godly men and women for advice is a good idea. But, first, I need to take every situation and every concern to the Lord before I do anything else. By placing my troubles at His feet, I am acknowledging that He alone has the answers to what I am facing and what I need. 

    Secondly, I must be reminded that just because God handles a situation one way today, does not mean He will handle it the same way the next time it occurs. He may use a sermon or a Godly person or even a song to get someone’s attention. His ways are not mine but His ways are perfect, every time. So the next time I need help and direction... “Who Ya Gonna Call?” I’m gonna call my Father.

    Father, may I never forget that when I call on you, my concern is brought immediately before you and that you never tire of taking care of me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

R.A.P. it up . . .


  • What is your first reaction when a problem lands in the middle of your day?

  • Do you immediately bring it before the Lord or do you call a friend for advice?


  • Start each day with Psalm 138:3, a reminder that God answers and makes us courageous to face whatever comes our way.

  • Keep a journal of all the concerns and problems you have given to the Lord and leave a space for His answers.


  • 1 Chronicles 14:14 (NIV) "So David inquired of God again, and God answered him, 'Do not go straight up, but circle around them and attack them in front of the balsam trees.' "

  • Jeremiah 33:3 (NIV) “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”

  • Psalm 138:3 (NIV) “When I called, you answered me; you made me bold and stouthearted.”

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