Saturday, April 1, 2023

Holding it Together

 “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:17 (NIV)


            When our children were small, my husband and I decided to buy them a swing set. I was in favor of simple: one swing, a glider, and a slide. But my husband felt that with three children, bigger was better and we ended up with a monster set complete with monkey bars and every swing, slide, and glider known to man.         

            Stamped on the box in huge letters were these words: “five-minute assembly, instructions included.” May I tell you that it took five minutes just to pull the parts out of the box and another 55 minutes to find all the nuts, bolts, and screws that fell out on the ground? It did. And TWO days later (yes, you read that right), only the frame was assembled.

            When we finally completed the job (“we” meaning my husband, his brother, and two curious truck drivers who came over after delivering a dryer next door), there was a slight resemblance to the picture on the carton. But there were problems. Big problems.

            The bolts that came with the set weren’t long enough to hold the rides onto the frame and the frame itself was not sturdy enough to support one child, much less three. In addition, some important parts – like chains for the swings – were missing. We had to reinforce the entire frame and change the bolts and screws for every ride on it, just to get it to hold together. Our five-minute assembly was finally completed - in five days.

            Life is like that sometimes. Instructions say one thing but reality says something totally different. Marriages where two people promise vows of  “forever” fall apart and no amount of reinforcement can hold them together. A career that was supposed to have been a perfect fit until retirement crumbles to the ground without warning or explanation. The death of a spouse and adding a  second job to keep bills paid take the place of a carefully planned map of states to visit together. 

            In Colossians 1:17, Paul shares a part of Christ’s character that is vital to us as believers. When we have lost all hope, when there is no earthly way a problem can be solved or a relationship mended, Jesus the Creator is able to hold ALL things together. Not some things. Not a few things. But ALL things. While we know there may be times when restoration of certain situations or relationships may not occur, we also know that God remains in control. 

So where are you today? Are you facing a situation that promised to be a “five-minute assembly” but weeks, months, or even years later, there is no solution in sight? I encourage you to not give up. When everything seems hopeless to you, call on the Creator of the Universe. He will not fail you or leave you. He is holding your life together. No instructions needed. 

Father, thank you for holding my life together in your hands and keeping me on solid ground through your faithfulness and love. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


 R.A.P. it up . .


  • Have you ever felt like everything in your life was falling apart and you had no hope?

  • Was your first reaction to take it to the Lord or to give up?


  • Journal a situation that you are currently facing that does not seem to have an earthly solution. 

  • Spend time in prayer with Jesus and ask Him to take that situation and reassemble it for His glory. Praise Him for His faithfulness in all things.


  • Colossians 1:17 (NIV) “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”

  • Acts 17:28 (NIV) “For in him we live and move and have our being . . .”

  • Psalm 75:3 (NIV) “When the earth and all its people quake, it is I who hold its pillars firm.”

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