“For it is
commendable if a man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering
because he is
conscious of God.”
I Peter 2:19
“This is pretty healthy to eat,
right?” the cashier asked me as I went through her checkout line last week. I
nodded that it was and she replied “My husband and I have just started eating
healthier and working out.”
“Well, you always look great but
good for you,” I told her but she immediately began to shake her head “no” and
glanced away. “Well, not according to one of my friends when she went through
my line today. She told me my face looked round and when I asked her what she
meant, she told me my face was fat.”
I couldn’t contain my reaction. “What?
Are you kidding me?” She continued: “Oh, she added ‘just kidding’ right after
she said that. But I knew she meant it.”
Mean girls. They
are everywhere. And they hide. They hide
in a group and they hide behind smiles and “just kidding” comments, but they
are mean. Sometimes they even masquerade as a friend or – perhaps even worse –
a Christian friend. And if that isn’t bad enough, it often seems that they get
away with being mean.
So what can we
do when a mean girl verbally attacks? I can immediately tell you what the unchristian
side of me says: Get even! Say something right back that is even more hurtful!
Share what they said so that everyone around me knows and sides with me. Sound
then we read I Peter 2:19 (NIV) “For it is commendable if a man bears up under
the pain of unjust suffering because he is conscious of God.” What in the world
does that mean? Are we just supposed to meekly sit by and “take it” as we are
attacked verbally by a mean girl?
First of all, “because
he is conscious of God” refers to you. In other words, because you know the
will of God, you have a duty to do what He says and that is to be Jesus to the
mean girl. Jesus understands. Look through the New Testament at all the
horrible comments hurled at Him like missiles and yet He was kind and
forgiving. He is encouraging you in I Peter 2:19 to be obedient to His command.
Jesus also
showed compassion. Is that tough for us sometimes? It is! My heart is hurting
when I’m being attacked and it’s extremely hard for me to consider why the
person feels the need to “get” me with her comments. But being compassionate
for the one hurting me will help me to heal from the wounds she is trying to
inflict on my heart.
If we truly want to do the will of
God, we will forgive the person who is mean. If we do not forgive and we hold a
grudge against someone, it’s like drinking poison and thinking the other person
will get hurt.
But, hear me on
this, while you must forgive, it does not mean that you have to “have lunch”
with that person. Does that make sense?
Let me explain.
For the mean girl at school? The one
who seems to truly enjoy putting you down and no matter what you do or say
continues being mean? Forgive her – yes. But you are under no obligation to hang
out with her or to sit with her at a ball game. Pray for guidance. It is not
your job to change her heart; that belongs to the Lord. You must be obedient to
His word and forgive, yes. I guarantee
you that she is watching, waiting to see how you respond to her. Be Jesus.
And the woman at work? The one who
makes continual digs at your job performance and how you dress and maybe even
your family and does it with a sweet smile? Forgive. Forgive. Forgive. Allow
the God of the Universe to work on her heart of stone. Just remind yourself
that you do not need to take your break when she takes hers so that she can
continue the attack. Just be Jesus.
Are there situations when we must talk to a
principal or teacher at school or a boss at work about verbal attacks?
Absolutely. But we will never win if we try to fight a mean girl by being a
meaner girl. The only way to win is by being Jesus and by forgiving and allowing
Him to work in the life of a mean girl.
it is so hard for me to forgive when someone is being mean – especially if it
is a Christian friend. Please help me to see the person through your eyes and
to forgive them. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
of a time when you were targeted by a mean girl.
was the outcome of your heart? To get even or to forgive?
a mean girl attacks, first look at her through the eyes of Jesus.
– even if you do not want to – and pray for her heart to be changed by the
I Peter 2:19 (NIV) “For it is
commendable if a man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because he is
conscious of God.”
Psalm 37:7 (NIV) “Be still before the
Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways,
when they carry out their wicked schemes.”
Exodus 14:14 (NIV) “The Lord will fight
for you; you need only to be still.”